Adult ADD and The Sex Pistols
Yesterday I was watching Fuse, which for the cable impaired, is a video music channel that actually shows video, when they started playing The Sex Pistols. Although I have never been a big fan of their music I figured that I would give it a listen. When the singer described his girlfriend having a leather vagina my Adult ADD kicked in. What did he mean by a leather vagina? Was it like suede or was it like naugahide? Would your penis stick to it like your thighs to a carseat on a hot summers day? Would it contrary to all laws of physiology shrink when wet? Would a cheap slut have a vinyl vagina? Would Vinyl Vagina be a good name for a rock group? How about :P Fuzzbox and The Vinyl Vaginas? By the time all this went through my head the song was over and I still have no clue as to what he actually meant by a leather vagina. Damn my Adult ADD!!! Now I have a deeper respect for the Sex Pistols. Anyone who can come up with such a descriptive term that can cause such ideas to flow from the mind is tops in my book.
If you have read this far then thanks for putting up with a reposting of this little bit of sickness. The post is just as bad as I remember. Maybe I should publish a blook, I already have a working title, " Worst Of The Worst Of That Phucker Fuzz, or Things To Read After Masterbating In The Bathroom."
It's like a cyclone. You start rambling, and I just follow along, amazed at how your mind works! lol
Fuzz: That reminds me of the time when I got up in the night to go pee. My wife had forgotten to throw away the cardboard strip you pull on to open the box of tampons and through my tired and hazy eyes I didn't read "cardboard applicator" I read "carbonated applicator."
And suddenly I got mental images of fizzy vaginas. If you put too much sperm in them the sperm would fizz back out. It would make for a rather unusual/interesting sexual experience.
PS: Did this post inspire your adult ADD as much as the Sex Pistols did? ;-)
Don't people call skin that's been out in the sun too long "leathery."
And Fizzy vaginas.
Double Eww.
While taking a break from yardwork yesterday my wife pointed out that one of our oak trees has a giant labia. I'll post a pic of it...
green eyes: A mind can be a strange and scary thing.
perplexio: Everything inspires my Adult ADD. While reading your comment these thoughts ran through my head.
Why did you have to pee in the middle of the night? How far is the bathroom from your bedroom? Did you do a pee dance while going down the hall? Were you doing a pee dance when you took your user pic? Does your nose tickle when you go down on a fizzy vagina? Is it fizzy like Sprite or like Alka-Seltzer? Is it the ultimate rejection to have your sperm fizzed back out at you? Aren't applicators made out of plastic now? Why not sell used tampons in vending machines for lazy vampires? ................................................................................................................................................................................................. It's a sickness but it keeps me entertained.
cz: That has to be it!!! Thanks for answering my question. A vagina that has been in the sun too long. I would have never thought of that.
ozy: I have to see that pic. Trees and labias. Almost makes me want to become a tree hugger.
I'm sorry. My mind wandered. You were saying...
This ROCKS!! (Probably 'cause it's too close to the way I think.) Fuzzbox and the Vinyl Vaginas, that's a perfect name! Much better than Snatches of Pink (an actual group).
And you know, I'm thinking even vampires aren't gonna touch the used tampon from a fizzy vinyl vagina.
I don't think I've ever seen the word "vagina" in writing so much...how surreal.
A cheap slut would have a pleather vagina.
vic: I can't remember.
weirdgirl: Wonder if a fizzy vagina makes a strange sound when the tampon is removed. Something along the lines of an old Alka-Seltzer commercial. Plop Plop Fizz Fizz.
phoenix: Pleather vagina has a nice ring to it. Maybe someone should do a remake. And I don't know about anyone else but doesn't vagina sound far nastier a term for a womans genitilia than any curse word that is used or is it just me?
mimi: I don't think about them much either. Yeah right and I just dodged a shaft of lightning.
leather vagina? must be some expensive, flexible n long-lasting babe...;-)
anelize: Now you know what it's like inside my head. Kinda scary huh.
keshi: Like Rich Corinthian leather that bathes you in luxury. :)
lol Siren!
Fuzzy I dunno abt bathing but it sure must be comfy..:):)
Damnit my laughing has distracted me and now I've totally forgotten how this whole vagina thing came up! I wonder if we were talking about long schlongs if I would forget as easily. LOL
siren: I don't really think that you can overuse a vagina. They are like the Energizer Bunny. 'They just keep going and going.' But I could be wrong.
keshi: Comfy, Cozy. :)
pita: Talking about penises is just gross. There is nothing uglier than a penis.
That's good I like all the f's. How about Furry Fuzz and The Fizzy Fuzzboxes.
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