I had saved todays spot for hate mail but due to the dearth of intelligible hate mail, I will post a couple of e-mail pics that I received this week. I have posted the original tagline as I received them and below I posted my reply. Hopefully next week I will receive some better hate mail. But gems like these are always welcome. Come on help a lazy blogger out.
Why middle aged woman should not go to Mardi Gras and drink!!!
I think the one in the middle is a little cross-eyed.
Do not fall for this it is a scam.
Let all your loved ones know about this. This is a medical scam!
Wonder if this was in the parking lot of a Nascar Race.
But what if I WANT that mammagram?
Haa Haaa I love the top pic, alas I would be that woman!
The second pic I have seen many times and always wonder if he ever got any takers.....
jamie: Have box will travel.
pixie: What are you a little cross-eyed?
siren: Sorry I was late getting out the word.
I think the lady on the left has a "lazy eye."
That guy looks like Billy Joel.
I think I know these people or at least people that share the same brains as them.
How cute - I love froggies! :-P
ha ha ha!
wonder where they get these ideas!
cleveland: Why did it make you want to jump?
phoenix: Inspiration for 'These are the days to remember' perhaps.
ben: I don't know about a kiss but a little bit of a lift would do wonders.
mark: I think that I have partied with them myself.
pita: Whassup? Cute huh.
brood mode: I don't know but it is a sick world after all. I do not know what the world used as a great mid-day picker upper before e-mail but I am glad for it now. Thanks for popping in.
Ya know what you need to do? Piss off some Nazis. I don't mean these pussyfied "neo-Nazis" we have today. They are nothing but a bunch of inbred, uneducated sheep. No, I'm talkin' old-school. You could damn sure count on some intelligent hate mail from them.
MY EYES!!!!!!
ozy: Good idea. Perhaps I could post a pic of Hitler in a tutu or something.
big d: Admit you saved that pic for a future wallpaper.
laura: Make sure it isn't raining. A few years ago Angry Joyce and myself were at Ozfest in Dallas during a hellacious rainstorm of a day. Angry Joyce was in the restroom as two young ladies rushed in attempting to dry off their painted chests under the hand dryer before the paint all washed away.
Those ladies with the frogs look great!! What a cool idea!! Tho I think I would feel a little weird walking around topless but not.
What happen Fuzz you're getting so many comments these days! Teach me your trick!!
Frogs may be cute, but BOOB Frogs... so not attractive.
shay: I thought that it was cool that they could be so unconcerned. It shows a 'f**k it' attitude that I like.
As far as the increase in my comment section. I don't really know the reason, I don't think that my blog has changed at all but my brothers would simply say that I am a total blog whore. I have been thinking of posting a story about this. Even though it might be a little self serving.
weirdgirl: Woo Hoo!!! Nice to see you peeking from the shadows. You lurker you (LOL). Thanks for letting yourself be seen.
You are such a blog whore!
You cocksucker I hope you get some real hate mail showing nasty ass boobs like that. All I can say is at least your not a pedophile.
big d: I knew that you would say that. I must be psychic.
cd: Such hatred from a man who once posted the worst set of man boobs on the blogoshpere.
I can come up with some hateful things to say, but I won't mean them. And that's no fun.
-- david
Is that what the Piano Man is now doing to pay the bills?
david: Go ahead. That is when it is the most fun.
mb: The mere thought of them and I wake to cold chills.
angel jr.: I can think of worse jobs. Actually I can't think of to many better ones.
breezy: I am just sick that way. It is a family trait. Get use to it.
It was not my fault about the man boobs as you remember phred asked me to show them I was only catering to what small audience we had. I have noticed that a lot of Houesewives make their way over here so all you crazy women go over to West Texas and vote for seeing a cock, I want to see if he actually has the balls to put one up. Come on everyone I now you can rise to teh occasion.
cd: Who's the blog whore?
Fuzz: I finally got a link to you up on my site. Sorry about the delay, you hateful, baby-beating, dog-humping shit-sack.
I fart in your general direction.
-- david
A scam?! What do you mean a scam!? This guy is outside my office every morning. He insists I need a daily check. Oh my! I feel so violated! Why or why couldn't you have warned me earlier?
david: That intro to your blogroll fills me with pride. Thank you sir.
vic: Sorry about that but then again it might be alright in the long run. Better safe than sorry.
laurie: Always nice to see your cycle parked in this comment section. Great HNT idea!
I think the one on the left has cataracts, the one in the middle has glaucoma and the one on the right has pink eye.
rocky: Doesn't it seem strange that no one has wondered about the end of their tongues. I wonder if they are forked. (I can't take full credit on this pondering. Cleveland brought it up to me.)
Good point on the tongues. I just hope flies aren't stuck to the ends of them!
Wonder if they could get genital warts from being licked by a frog.
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