AJ saw a friend yesterday at the grocery store. Her friend is usually one of those women that dress at the height of fashion, with make up on, and hair just so, even when out only going grocery shopping. On this occasion however
AJ's friend looked like she had been run through a ringer. She wore no make up and her hair was disheveled even worse than Ryan
AJ asked her what was up. The friend stated that about a week ago, her two year
old's puppy had been hit by a car. Although the pup had not died, it was in very bad shape and had to be
euthanized. The friend had explained to her child that the puppy would have to go to the animal doctor. There the
veterinarian would give the puppy a shot. After that the puppy would go to heaven and have bunny rabbits to chase and would be able to run and play again just like before the car accident.
AJ still wondered why her friend looked like hell on this particular day so she asked her friend what she had been doing today. Her friend then told her that today was the day that she took her two year old in for her vaccination shots.
It must have been hell trying to convince the child that she wouldn't be chasing bunnies in heaven after a vaccination. I don't know but her friend should have thought about that trip a little in advance.